- My chosen film opening sequence has been taken from "Side Effects", a crime-drama thriller.
- The story takes place in New York which is not obvious from the title sequence, however from watching the full movie I know this is its setting. I think the whole film is spread over 4-8 months as Emily, the main female character, has to go through several clinical trials which usually carry over 2-3 months at a time.
- This title sequence consists of a series of shots, mainly pans and zooms, of different medical equipment and medication. Most of the shots are in black and white. On the shots, there is text overlaying the images with production information such as main characters and producers. The order in which the shots are placed is not significant to the story telling because the title sequence does not begin to tell the story; it only sets the atmosphere and the rest is up to the audience to decide.
- The events in Side Effects' title sequence are unconnected and therefore distinct. No specific events occur in the sequence because it only contains a series of shots which are unrelated...apart from the fact they are medicinally themed.
- No characters are physically introduced in this opening sequence. However, the names of some of the main actors are introduced on-screen in the form of credits. For example, Jude Law.
- As I said previously, most of the shots are in black and white; I think this helps to address the obvious medical theme because it feels plain, monotone and depressing, just like a hospital. The second shot features a birds-eye-view CU of a lid for some pills. On the lid is written "health advice?". This could be an indication of the therapy sessions to come in the film and the relationships between patients and doctors in Side Effects. The repeated shots of different types of pills further questions the audience why medication is so significant to the story telling, as it appears in both the title and opening sequence. I think a lot of the story is withheld in this title sequence but even in doing this they could be hinting more about the film; We are left confused and still wanting answers by the end which is similar to the film as it follows a very unexpected twist at the end which the therapist has to figure out. Any obvious information is withheld to keep suspense with the audience so they stay interested in what's to come. Although, the pills spilling at the end of the sequence juxtaposing with the pills ordered in the previous shot could be a big clue to the story ahead. Perhaps this is done to symbolise destruction; so maybe a drug related mishap.
- I think the audience needs to see the appearance of the main characters at the start of the film to be able to fully engage in the plot. There also could be an establishment of setting. For example, a character walking down a busy New York street. I think the audience needs to know a bit about the lives of the main characters so they can get some understanding of how things are going to change or stay the same. However, in saying this, I'm sure information is purposely withheld in this opening and could contribute to the way the story is told effectively because of this.
AOTT Research
The Zombieland and The Forbidden Room film opening sequences contrast aesthetically to create the atmosphere for two opposite genres. Zombieland is filmed in vibrant colour and is high-key lit with all but one of the shots set in the daytime; this makes it clear to the audience it is a light-hearted film, perhaps a comedy (despite the goriness!). Whereas The Forbidden Room is made up of a series of early title designed shots which seem to shudder and glitch making the audience feel as if they are in an old-fashioned movie theatre watching something from a tape rolling. The movement of each title image also creates an eery atmosphere reflecting on the horror genre of the film. Zombieland has a clear establishment of setting. From the shot 10 seconds in of the American flag, we know it's set in the United States which is later confirmed with the voice over's American accent. Both sequences include background music which helps to set the atmosphere needed in each film. However, only Zombieland uses a voice-over on top of this which keeps the mood informal and engaging unlike The Forbidden Room's opening sequence which only uses music for effect keeping the atmosphere scary and the audience on edge. Only Zombieland include some CGI shots. For example, the shot of a burning planet. Guy Madden decided against using too contemporary film making techniques in The Forbidden Room because he wanted to mimic film structure of much earlier times. Also, Zombieland features many different settings which would have had to of been individually set up for each shot, and advanced make-up on actors which would have needed make-up artists and taken extra time. Overall, the feeling the audience receives after watching each opening sequence is very different; Zombieland leaves you ready to watch a comedy and intrigued to find out who's speaking on the voiceover and why he knows so much about how to handle a Zombie apocalypse! Whereas The Forbidden Room leaves you sitting at the edge of your chair waiting to jump at he twisted, creepy scenes to come..also leaving you intrigued about why the room (whatever this room is) is forbidden.
Very good work analysis. You chose a very interesting opening to analyse and one that was quite challenging; you consider style and theme very well and consider the impact on the audience effectively. However, I think that there is some sense of development in the pattern of medicine imagery - the ending with the pills spilling contrasts to the ordered rows of pills on shelves etc. which creates more of sense of the story ahead than you suggest. However your comparison should have only been one other opening to compare with "Side Effects" and I'm sure Black Sails is s TV drama. So please make those changes to your post.